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Laguna del Lagarto
Based on 0 ratings
Lodging - Hotel
Laguna del Lagarto Rainforest Lodge
Boca Tapada, Costa Rica,
Originally submitted by PatrickO85
2009-12-27 06:27:20
Last edited by PatrickO85
2009-12-27 06:12:20
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Laguna del Lagarto is off the beaten track in northern Costa Rica, near the Nicaraguan border. One of its claims to fame is the habitat it protects for the endangered Great Green Macaw. This eco-lodge has been involved with sustainable development, conservation, and ecotourism in Costa Rica for several years and continues to provide visitors with a tranquil, jungle experience. This lodge is especially attractive to canoeing aficionados as there are a great deal of wetlands and lagoons found near
the lodge. Because of the combination of wetlands and rain forests, wildlife viewing is good and the birding excellent. In fact, the birding is so good, that Laguna del Lagarto is located on the Costa Rican bird route.
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Activity Types
  • Bird Watching
  • Hiking
  • Wildlife Viewing
  • Camping
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